Art Editions

Daum, the legendary glassmaker master, has kept alive for more than a century a love relationship with the greatest artists of its time, giving their work of art a second life of crystal and colors. From the Ecole de Nancy, Art Nouveau to Art Decoratif; from Majorelle to Dali, Arman and Hilton McConnico, Daum has not missed any of the magic rendez-vous of the artistic creation and modern savoir-faire, which has always renewed the alliance of art and art craft. Few brands have worked with as many artists: for 140 years, more than 350 exceptional signatures have constituted a heritage beyond compare – a unique collection. How do we convey those works into crystal sculptures? This is where Daum’s secret lies: shaper of the exception, highly knowledgeable workshop, laboratory of wonders, and designer of incomparable objects.


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